Combat Gaming Addiction

Combat Gaming Addiction

Gaming Addiction is not different from any other types of addiction that are present in the human nature nowadays. Such type of addiction is not unstoppable and these are so many ways to prevent its negative effects…

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 43.40 MB


Communication Made Simple

Communication Made Simple
Communication is an important form of getting information across to the other party. However good, quick and effective deliverance is just as important as the attention span of most people today is very short, and this is especially so if the material being communicated is rather boring. Get all the …

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 26.80 MB


Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination is a practice of delaying things or carrying tasks that are less urgent in preference to more urgent ones. Procrastination covers a very broad scope and before individuals can fully understand and overcome their procrastination environment of behavior, they need to familiarize themselves with the basics of procrastination….

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 107.11 MB


Nutrition For Children

Nutrition For Children

Getting your child or a child that you are looking after to eat healthy can seem like a somewhat impossible task. Kids can be very picky at times and for the most part, vegetables and other healthy foods are not high on their list of preferences….

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 66.50 MB


Mastering Sales Funnel

Mastering Sales Funnel

You have likely heard the expression that owning your own product is the key to making real money online. That is true for a number of reasons. One of the key reasons why that is true is because, if you own the product, you can create a sales funnel that you control and you profit from at 100%…

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 24.80 MB


Easy Aerobics For Fitness

Easy Aerobics For Fitness

We are always reminded that exercise could do wonders for the body. Aerobics, a kind of exercise which helps your body use more oxygen while maintaining your target heart range, can definitely help a person live longer and healthier….

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 69.10 MB


Staying Fit With Organic Food

Staying Fit With Organic Food

Organic foods are extremely popular because of their offered health benefits. Unfortunately, not all are aware of this as some are used to eating conventional foods. Others don’t like to eat organic foods because of its cost…

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 112.61 MB


Public Speaking Skills

Public Speaking Skills

Speaking in public can sometimes be a real challenge, if not a source of embarrassment … not only to normal people, but even to persons of high ranking. Communication is a vital key in this new century. It gives an edge to keep abreast with the fast pace of the times. Public speaking definitely works…

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 21.80 MB


Periscope Marketing For Success

Periscope Marketing For Success

Live video streaming just might be the next ‘big thing’ in the world of digital marketing. And as every digital marketer should know, keeping up to date with the latest developments is key if you want to stay ahead of the com…

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 19.40 MB


Mobile App Mantra

Mobile App Mantra

The creation of any app is from an idea. This idea is usually customer driven. For any app to work properly, there are a few things to take into account. You have to create a list of features that you think users will like….

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 26.10 MB


Mastering Self Confidence

Mastering Self Confidence
Everyone desires to be confident, yet very few have been able to develop it in all facets of their life. A lack of self-confidence can ultimately become the most significant hindrance to finding happiness, success, and fulfillment…

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 52.10 MB


Change Mastery

Change Mastery
In this book, you will venture on the main five C’s for change. As you discover the elements of change, you will learn how to become confident in your ability and capability to change. You will acknowledge that communication and cooperation contribute a massive amount to the aspect of change….

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 39.60 MB


Boosting Productivity

Boosting Productivity
Ask any successful business or individual out there, and I’m sure they will tell you higher levels of productivity are a crucial aspect in ensuring revenue growth …

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 39.70 MB


Battling Drug Addiction

Battling Drug Addiction

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties with a drug addiction, you know how damaging it can be to a person’s life. However, if you are a person or know someone who has just begun using drugs ….

Rights: Private Label Rights

File Size: 58.40 MB
